国际学生职业咨询公司的创始人Marcelo Barros表示:“(这一论点)有参考价值,但这并不是独一的因素。”根据贷款超市子公司Student Loan Hero的数据,2016年,美国大学生平均每年在公立学校支付的净学费为8202美元,在私立学校的净学费是21189美元。这一数字对国际学生来说往往更高,而且他们通常不会得到慷慨的援助。在美国,很少有学校向留学生提供大幅的经济援助。在福布斯的650所拔尖大学中,只有5所大学:普林斯顿、耶鲁、麻省理工学院、哈佛和阿默斯特既提供Need-Blind政策(即先录取合格的学生,然后据学生经济情况给予资助),同时还有针对国际学生的全额资助政策,而其他大多数大学通常选择其中一种援助方式。
Princeton University
Yale University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Harvard University
Columbia University
California Institute of Technology
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Amherst College
Stanford University
Babson College
University of Pennsylvania
Claremont McKenna College
Georgetown University
Brown University
New York University
Pomona College
Cornell University
Johns Hopkins University
Lafayette College
University of Chicago
Dartmouth College
University of California-Los Angeles
University of Notre Dame
Harvey Mudd College
Barnard College
Northwestern University
Carnegie Mellon University
Rice University
Swarthmore College
Tufts University
Williams College
Vassar College
University of Southern California
Vanderbilt University
Bowdoin College
Haverford College
Pitzer College
Washington University in St Louis
Bates College
Wesleyan University
Wellesley College
University of California-Berkeley
Boston College
Middlebury College
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Carleton College
University of Maryland-College Park
Grinnell College
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
Colgate University