一个人究竟可以不可以改变世界?改变世界很强大的力量究竟是什么?个问题的答案是肯定的,第二个问题的答案是“爱”。在美国南加利福尼亚就有这样一个有趣的小咖啡馆,自从一位女顾客多付了100美元声称要为后面光顾的人埋单后,接连不断的有人走进这家咖啡馆“被请客”或者是“请客”。这家名叫“corner perk”的咖啡馆一杯中杯咖啡要1.95美元,虽不算多,但对于很多正处于经济萧条时期的家庭而言也是弥足珍贵的慷慨馈赠了。相对于金钱上的馈赠,这样的温暖传递似乎比咖啡因更让人振奋。来看看这家很有爱的咖啡馆怎么说:
The main conceit of the 2000 Kevin Spacey film Pay It Forward is that if one person does a kindness for three strangers and those three people each do kindnesses for three strangers and so on one person can change the world. Rarely do we see this acted out in the real world the way it was cinematically—one scene finds a man giving away his brand-new Jaguar to a guy having car troubles—but on a smaller scale these sorts of random niceties happen far more often than you might think. Today it's selflessness at a small coffee house in Bluffton South Carolina.
It all started two years ago at Corner Perk a small locally owned coffee shop when a customer paid her bill and left $100 extra saying she wanted to pay for everyone who ordered after her until the money ran out. The staff fulfilled her request and the woman who wishes to remain anonymous has returned to leave other large donations every two to three months.
"People will come in and say 'What do you mean? I don't understand. Are you trying to buy me a coffee today?'" the shop's owner Josh Cooke told the local news. "And I say 'No somebody came in 30 minutes ago and left money to pay for drinks until it runs out.'"
It took a while but word has started to spread around the tiny coastal town home to about 12 000 people. Now more and more customers have been leaving money to pay for others' food and drink. Cooke says some people don't even buy anything when they come in; they just stop to donate and head right back out.
A medium cup of coffee at Corner Perk costs $1.95. That may not seem like a lot but for a family struggling to save money in these tense and difficult economic times two bucks saved at the right moment probably feels like a million. And a jolt of generosity is a better pick-me-up than caffeine any day of the week.