Women & Stress
“Fight-or-fight” behavior has long been considered the typical way we respond to stress. But psychologists at the University of California, Los Angeles say that women have more in their stress-response arsenal than just aggression or escape.
According to research led by Dr. Shelley E. Taylor and Dr. Laura C. Klein (now at Pennsylvania State University), females under “attack” are less likely to fight or flee and more apt to attempt to protect their children and seek help from others, particularly other females. The researchers call this pattern of behavior “tend-and-befriend”, and they suggest an evolutionary explanation for the difference.
In many situations it could be disastrous for a woman who is pregnant, nursing, or caring for young children to fight or fee. Befriending, on the other hand, establishes a social support system for the mother and child and may also help to defend women against male violence.
The UCLA scientists analyzed hundreds of biological and behavioral studies of both animals and humans. For example, they looked at research showing that crowding heightens stress among male rats (as measured by levels of the hormone cortisol) but tends to calm female rats. One study found that fathers often wanted to be left alone when they got home from work. And if they had been under stress during the day, they were more likely to incite confict in the family. Women who held jobs outside the home, however, were more likely to cope with a tough day at work by concentrating on their children.
The authors believe that hormones are one reason for the difference, especially sex hormones and the pituitary hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin, which induces relaxation and lowers anxiety, is produced at a high level in nursing mothers. It’s also released in response to stress by both males and females—but its effects are enhanced by female hormones and reduced by male hormones. In contrast, the fight-or-flight response activates the nervous system and causes the secretion of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Both sexes release these hormones under stress, but men also release testosterone, which tends to increase hostility and aggression.
Because female aggression is less closely linked to nervous system arousal, the authors suggest, it’s more easily moderated by learning and culture, although they don’t deny that women’s social networks can also produce stress and confict. Nor are they saying that men cannot tend and befriend under stress—only that they do so less easily and less often.
Taylor and her colleagues think the tend-and-befriend response has been ignored largely because researchers studying stress have concentrated until recently only on men. The UCLA scientists are now conducting studies on oxytocin and stress.
长期以来,人们认为“对抗或逃避”是我们回应压力的典型方式。但洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学的心理学家们认为女人们面对压力时有更多的解决方式,不只是对抗或逃避。雪莉 • E •泰勒博士和宾夕法尼亚大学的劳拉 • C • 克莱恩博士的研究表明:女人在受到 “侵袭” 时很少抗拒或逃避,而是要设法保护孩子并且从他人、尤其是其他女性那里寻求帮助。研究者把这种行为方式称作“照顾和帮助”行为,他们建议从进化论的角度对这一不同反应进行诠释。多数情况下抗拒或逃避使怀孕、正在哺乳或照料小孩子的女人的情况变得糟糕。另一方面,交朋友也可以为母亲和孩子建立社会扶持体系并且保护女人不受男性暴力侵害。