Power Revolution
By Mariane Lavelle
The high-rolling risk takers who brought you personal computers, the telecommunications revolution, the commercialization of the Internet, and, of course, Google now aim to do nothing less than save planet Earth—and make billions while doing it. Vinod Khosl becomes one of the driving forces of Silicon Valley as a cofounder of Sun Microsystems and later as a venture capitalist, views climate change as the gravest threat the world has ever faced.
Khosla, through his own Khosla Ventures, is in the vanguard of entrepreneurs and financiers who believe their Silicon Valley success stories can be repeated in green energy. They are pouring money and ideas into a new generation of alternatives to fossil fuel. That is, options that can ramp up to serve a large share of the nation’s energy needs because they’ll cost less than coal or oil. One estimate is that venture capital funds nearly tripled their investment on green energy last year, putting $2.4 billion to work.
Just the sort of optimism that’s helped make Silicon Valley the world’s leading center of innovation. And just the sort of attitude that seems to be fnally cracking the tough technological puzzles whose solutions will change the way we power the global economy and our lives.
Solar concentration
Solar energy may be poised to make the leap from the rooftop down to the foor of the desert—where some advocates say it needs to be if it’s going to take its rightful place as a member of Big Energy. The nation’s largest utility in customers served, investor-owned Pacific Gas & Electric, this fall announced a bold plan to install nearly fve times the amount of solar power that is now operating across the United States and do it cheaper, bigger, and faster than has ever been tried before.
Deep geothermal
One of the most promising renewable-energy well-springs is underground. Geothermal is lower profle than a range of other alter-native energy technologies, even though many homes—including President Bush’s Crawford ranch—have heat pumps that tap into the Earth’s steady, reliable warmth. But few realize that the United States is the world’s biggest mass producer of geothermal power, with long-running plants in western hot springs and geyser areas that generate more electricity than all U.S. wind and solar energy combined.
This year, a government-sponsored study led by Massachusetts Institute of Technology concluded that these “heat mining” methods could offer access to a staggering amount of energy. Just 2 percent of the U.S. geothermal resource base could yield nearly 2,000 times the power that the nation now consumes each year.
High-pressure ethanol
In alternative transportation fuels, the holy grail quest is the search for the next ethanol. Sure, the business of fuel alcohol distilled from corn is booming, with production having tripled since 2002 and up 33 percent this year to 6.5 billion gallons. Historically, ethanol has been more expensive than gasoline, but crude oil prices are now so high that ethanol would be cheaper even without its 51-cent-per-gallon subsidy. Indeed, one reason pump prices have not skyrocketed along with the price of crude oil is that so much fuel is blended with 10 percent ethanol. Politicianswould like to mandate that refners use still more.
玛丽安娜 •拉凡勒
喜欢下大赌注的冒险家们为我们带来了个人电脑、电信革命、互联网的商业化,当然还有谷歌,现在,他们正打算干一件不亚于拯救地球的大事,而这样做又会使他们获得数十亿美元的利润。维诺德 • 科斯拉(太阳微电子公司的创始人之一,后来成了一位风险投家)成为硅谷发展的动力之一,认为气候变化是人类世界有史以来所遇到的最严重的威胁。
今年,由政府资助、麻省理工学院带头进行的一项研究结果表明,这些“热能开采”技术可以为人们提供数量惊人的能源。仅开发美国地热能源基地的 2%,所发的电就几乎相当于美国现在每年消耗的电力的 2000 倍。
在替代性交通运输用燃料中,开发新一代的乙醇燃料是一个长期追寻的目标。的确,从玉米中提炼燃料酒精的行业正在蓬勃发展:自 2002 年以来,燃料酒精的产量已经增长了 3 倍,今年更是增加了 33%,达到 65 亿加仑。从历史上来看,乙醇一直比汽油昂贵,但是,现在原油价格非常高,所以即使没有每加仑 51 美分的补贴,乙醇也比汽油便宜得多。事实上,油品零售价格之所以没有随着原油价格急剧升高就是因为许多燃油中混合了 10% 的乙醇。政界人士将很乐意授权各炼油厂增加燃油中乙醇的含量。
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