个税起征点调整,“交税”成了热门话题,交多交少要计较,交与不交成话题。在交税的大军里盘算着少交了多少,在交税的大军外感伤啥时候才能挤进“围城”里面去。各种分析个税的文章赚足了点击的同时,却也更让“业外人士”越来越云里雾里,结论不要紧,在“交税”这件事儿上“参与”显得尤为的重要。明天的明天,年交税了吗?paying taxes!
Paying Taxes交税
Jack went up to the information desk to ask for help. He was trying to inform himself about how to pay income taxes; he had just inherited a fortune and he wasn’t too inclined to trust a tax lawyer with the money just yet.And Jack had always known the library was indispensable to those who were willing to utilize it.
The lady was glad to help him.
In view of the complexities of the tax system, Jack did quite well. Soon he understood the ins and outs of tax law, almost as much as a tax lawyer. The best way to avoid heavy taxation, he found, was to incorporate the inheritance into an existing retirement account. This was true especially if the person had inherited the money from a deceased relative.
Knowing this, Jack decided to indulge in a little test. He would ask a tax lawyer his opinion. Not knowing that Jack had done his research, the lawyer immediately treated Jack like he was inferior to himself. He was indifferent to Jack’s questions and confident in his own opinions. When he recommended that Jack insert the inheritance into a money market fund Jack just laughed.
The lawyer was surprised. But he inferred from Jack’s laugh that he had said something wrong.
He had, Jack said, just recommended the best method for Jack to not only pay the most taxes on the inheritance, but also allow the lawyer to charge the highest fee.
Jack walked out!
He really loved the library!