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2012-02-04 10:37:20

1  你同他鬼混在一起肯定是不会得到好结果的。
Your hanging around with him is going to end up in a big trouble.

2 你的态度很不端正。
You've got a real attitude problem.

3 用不着麻烦了MC Fly, 你没有机会了,你太像你老爸了。
Why even bother MC Fly, you don't have a chance. You're too much like your old man.

4 如果他们不喜欢它,如果他们告诉我它并不怎么样,我该怎么办?
What if they didn't like it? What if they told me it was no good?

5 你们大家给他写封信也许比较好。
It'll be nice you all drop him a line.(注意it 的用法)

6 别乱说话。
Watch your mouth.

7 给男孩打电话的女孩儿会招惹麻烦。
Any girl who calls the boy's just asking for trouble.

8 命中注定这件事会发生的。
It was meant to be. (命运注定)

9 这是不可能的。
(That)can't be.

10 这一定是一场梦。
It's gotta be a dream.

11 你知道如果我交的作业是你的笔迹,将会发生什么事情吗?我会被踢出学校的。
You realize what would happen if I handed in my work in your handwriting? I'll get kicked out of school.

12 他们比我块头大。
They are bigger than me.

13 为什么你总是管我叫Calvin?
Why do you keep calling me Calvin?

14 当时你站在便池上挂一个钟,不小心就摔倒了,你的头撞到了排水槽上……而这就是使得时间旅行成为可能的一个原因。
You were standing on your toilet. You were hanging a clock. You fell and you hit your head on the sink…which is what makes time travel possible.

15 我终于发明出来确实能用的东西了。
I finally invented something that works.

16 在1955年,想得到它确实有一点困难。
In 1955,it's a little hard to come by.

17 博士,看看她在这上面写了什么。
Look at what she wrote here, Doc.

18 你可以带我到处走走。
You can show me around.

19 你还记得我吗?那天救了你的那个人就是我呀。
You remember me, the guy who saved your life the other day?

20 博士,她连看都不看他一眼。
Doc, she didn't even look at him.

21 他们有什么共同的乐趣,他们喜欢在一起做些什么事情?
What are their common interests? What do they like to do together?

22 那就是他们次接吻的地方。
That's where they kissed for the first time.

23 我怎么不知道你做出过什么有创造性的事情。
I didn't know you did anything creative.

24 我什么也想不起来。
Nothing's come to my mind.

Give me a milk. (注意:没有用a cup of milk, 够简洁吧?)

26 我活了这么大从来都没有打过架。
I never picked a fight in my entire life.

27 因为正经女孩子通常会对调戏她的男人发火。
Because nice girls get angry with nuts guys who take advantage of them.

28 听你说起来很容易。
You make it sound so easy.

29 我真希望我现在没有这么害怕。
I wish I wasn't so scared.

30 你所缺少的仅仅是做这件事儿的自信。
All it takes is self-confidence.

31 你今后也许会后悔的。
You might regret it later in life.

32 这是你自找的。
You're asking for it.

33 他的手这个样子是不能演奏的。
He can't play with his hands like that.

34 除非你认识另外一个会弹吉它的人,不然舞会就结束了。
The dance is over unless you know somebody else who can play the guitar.

35 这是你不得不冒的一个险,你的生死取决于它。
That's a risk you are going to have to take. Your life depends on it.

36 恰恰是你使我感觉到我比自己曾经想象的更重要。
You were the one who made me feel like I was more than I ever thought I could be.

37 我知道这对你有多重要。
I know how much it means to you.

38 我想要说的是我等不及要看你今晚的演出。
What I'm trying to say is I can't wait to see your show tonight.

39 啊,原来FBI的徽章就是这样的。
So, that's what FBI badge looks like.

40 我不知道他在忙些什么。
I don't know what he's up to.

41 我知道你有多恨他。
I know how much you hate him.

42 有一些事情我还不能告诉你,不只是你,而是任何人。
There are some things I'm not ready to share, not just with you, with any one.

43 不知道接下来还会发生什么样的事情。
I don't know what’s supposed to happen next.

44 在看你表演Cinderella的时候,我哭得就像个孩子。
I cried like a baby when you played Cinderella.

45 只要你对要做的事情没有恐惧感,你能做成任何事。
You can do anything if you’re not afraid.

46 那就是他告诉你他爱你的方式。
That's how he tells you that he loves you.

47 我有点儿挑食。
I'm kind of picky about what I eat.

48 我真的认为这与你没有任何关系。/我真的认为这不关你什么事儿。
I really don't think that's any of your concern.
49 如果你想付出租车费的话,我会确保你今晚有房间住。
If you want to pick up the cab fare, I'll make sure you get a room for the night.

50 我正在享受我的美好旅行,你却闯入我的生活。
I was having a perfectly nice trip until you walked into my life.




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