最近网上有一句话说“Once you take friendship seriously, it's gonna be more unforgettable than love. 友情这东西,一旦玩真的,比爱情还刻骨铭心。”这是说友谊也可以使一种非常深刻的感情。
Framily (the blend of "friends" and "family") means a person's closest friends, particularly those who feel like part of the family. Framily is a new social group underpinned by the principle that good friends are the family we can choose for ourselves.
The concept of "framily" is thought to have arisen largely because of changes in the structure of society. In contrast to previous eras, people no longer routinely live close to other members of their family, and therefore need to create an alternative "support network" – friends who they can rely on for company and support through life's ups and downs.
上一篇: 你怎么看待迷信这回事??