Kodak’s bankruptcy has left studios out millions and the landlord for the Oscar theater in the market for a new sponsor.
Since the Academy Awards moved to the Kodak Theater at Hollywood & Highland a decade ago, the 131-year-old company’s name has been synonymous with the Academy Awards.
That could soon change. On Wednesday, the 131-year company asked a U.S. bankruptcy court judge to allow it to get out of its $75 million naming rights deal with the real estate company behind the complex.
If Kodak gets approval to withdraw its sponsorship, CIM Group, the developer of the mall, is free to seek another corporate sponsor. But the motion picture academy's board of governors can veto the choice.
Tom Sherak, the Academy’s president, stressed that making the deal for a new sponsor is up to CIM.
“Let's say they brought in Dell, we probably wouldn't disapprove that," Sherak told TheWrap. "We don't approve, but if it was something that didn't work, we'd disapprove.”
Kodak says that given its recent financial headaches, it can no longer justify the more than $4 million it pays in fees for those naming rights.
“Kodak is proud of its important role in the Entertainment industry, and our long standing relationship with film makers,” Christopher Veronda, a spokesman for Kodak, said in a statement to TheWrap. “Our motion today reflects our commitment to ensure that we are maximizing value for our entertainment customers, creditors and otherstakeholders.”
The filing states that Kodak pays a significant annual amount for, among other things, the naming rights related to the Kodak. “The Debtors have evaluated the Contract inconsultation with their professional advisors and determined that any benefit related to these rights likely does not exceed or equal the Debtors’ costs associated with the Contract,” it states.
The Academy's Board of Governors is weighing a move to a new venue, but if it does not, it can nix potential sponsors.
(柯达剧院(Kodak Theatre)位于美国加州好莱坞的好莱坞大道 (Hollywood Blvd.)上,2001年11月9日启用,是奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼的举行地点,在2002年开始成为奥斯卡的举行地。柯达剧院是专门为奥斯卡颁奖礼而设计,可容纳3,400名观众,设有全美国其中一个的舞台,有120呎宽,75呎深。在舞台后的记者室可容纳多达1,500名记者。剧院由柯达公司赞助7500万美元建成,并获得命名权。现由洛杉矶市拥有,并由美国电影艺术与科学学会向市政府租用,以举行奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼。柯达剧院的入口摆放有柱装饰,展示自1928年至今所有奥斯卡金像奖得奖人的名字,亦预留位置予未来的得奖人。