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2012-04-07 10:37:26


    初次约会总是让人难以评价,要决定下一步该做什么就更难了。多数在网上约会的情侣们通常要深思熟虑后才会让彼此的关系更深一层。下文为网上约会新手们列举了一些窍门,让你在初次约会时也能得到身心享受。 First dates are hard to judge, and it's even harder to decide what should come next. Most couples who date online tend to wait a while before taking their relationship to the next step. So, here's a guide for all new online daters out there, on how to merge your senses whilst enjoying your first dates…

听觉享受 Sound

    虽然高声朗诵未免显得过时、傻气,但对大多数人来说,这倒不失为一个听人朗诵同时代著作近代名著的机会。另外,由于可以听听约会对象的声音是否迷人,这倒也是个不错的主意。除此之外,还可以听听CD、收音机等,还是个不错的开场白。 Reading out loud may sound dated, and silly, but to most it's a chance to hear some of the greatest novels of our time read aloud by someone new. This is great because you get to hear if your date has a really sultry or sexy voice. Alternatively playing an album or listening to a radio station can be just as rewarding, and acts a great conversation opener.

视觉冲击 Sight

    初次见到某样令人兴奋的东西总能让我们回想起小时候。那么,为什么不找个对方没有做过的事情,或者从未去过的地方呢?虽然美术馆和博物馆是欣赏精美杰作的地点,但看一部两人都喜欢的电影也是一个不错的备选,而且后者还更便宜。何不租下它一张碟,两个人一起蜷在沙发上看呢? Seeing something exciting for the first time reminds us of being children again, so why not find out things that your date has never done before, or go to a specific place that he or she has never been. Art galleries and museums can be moving when looking at beautiful masterpieces, however a cheaper alternative would be if you know of a favourite film that you and your date enjoy. Why not rent it out, curl up on the sofa and enjoy the company?

味觉盛宴 Taste

    众所周知,香槟加牡蛎堪称激发情趣的味觉盛宴,但却鲜少有证据证明牡蛎真的能激发激起人的性欲情欲。因此,何不试试相对便宜的餐点或野餐呢? The most well-known aphrodisiacs to taste are champagne and oysters; however there's little evidence that oysters actually boost one's libido. So why not try sharing a relatively inexpensive dinner or picnic.

肢体接触 Touch

    如今,我们不建议你蒙着对方的眼睛,让他/她摸索着去开冰箱。我们有个更加轻松的提议--一起锻炼身体。划船、溜冰、跳舞等都是不错的选择:因为运动过程中所产生的内啡肽能让你看上去更精力充沛、更具魅力,不仅如此,两人还能一起练习,最妙的是两人的身体还会倾向贴近对方。 Now, we are not advising that you to blindfold your partner and make him / her feel their own way to the fridge, but we would suggest something a little more light-hearted, such as exercising together. Activities such as sail-boating, ice-skating or dancing are great as they bring out endorphins which makes you feel more energetic and attractive, make you both work together, and best of all can leave you falling over each other at the end.

香气怡人 Smell

    其实,你大可不必喷上昂贵的香水,也不必一日三遍澡沐浴更衣,但重要约会前的个人卫生却是重点。喷上少许香水或润肤露,如果它们的气味很浓,即使只用了少量,香气也能持续很久。此外,你还要记得,当我们紧张时,身体会产生更多的内啡肽,体味也会随之发生变化。另外,如果对方向你走来见面的一刻即将到来时,你也可以点一些有香气的蜡烛,会有也会起到相同的效果。 You don't have to douse yourself in expensive perfume, or have three baths a day, but personal hygiene should be key before a big date. Make sure you splash a small amount of perfume or aftershave on, but if it is quite a strong scent then a small amount can go a long way. You should also take into account that when we are nervous our body sends out more endorphins and our personal scent changes. Otherwise, if your date is coming to you, then you can light a few scented candles for the same effect.


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