我们都知道雅思的四个评分标准了——fluency and coherence(流利度); lexical resources(词汇) ; grammar(语法); pronunciation(发音)
Good example
Do you think it's important for people to take some time off work occasionally ? (part 3)
Yeah, definitely. I think it's essential. First of all, people these days, especially those living and working in large cities,tend to work nonstop, which puts a great deal of pressure on them. Therefore,taking a day or two off once in a while is extremely important. They can use the time to hang out with friends, bond with family members(增进家庭纽带),recharge themselves(充电)or just stay home alone, chilling out(口语说法-放松). What’s more, taking a break can boost the work efficiency. After the taking the off time, it is easier for people to focus on their job and have a better mood. Working without break may lead to anxiety and depression, which is not beneficial for people as well as companies in a long term.
除了时间顺序词,我们也要看看内部的句子逻辑,因果逻辑回应论点;不休息会带来什么后果。其实说话逻辑中无非就是:并列, 递进,转折,比较,让步,因果,先后,在口语中,只要你告诉考官:我准备说几点,我的个论点是什么,第二个是什么,考官就很容易跟着你的思路走了。
Bad example
Do you think it is necessary for children to do sports?
Yes. Let me mention the benefits brought by the sports: burn some calories, build up the body and reduce the pressure. It is important for children to do sports regularly since they are young. It is the time for them to cultivate the habits.
我们一直强调这是一次交流,交流中互动彼此理解非常重要,但是这不是一次朋友间的“聊天”,不要聊 high了,就开始反问考官就开始真的以为你们是朋友。拒绝“what about you?””and you?”之类的反问考官。 尤其是第三part里面,很多时候考官需要看看你们的真实水平,会不断的把你挑战你的极限,这个时候不要有脾气,你要心平气和的跟考官解释即可。
其实礼仪根本不是考察标准,但是你如果是一个有礼貌的人,可能考官对你的印象就不错。因为是一个人为的给分,还是要变成一个招人喜欢的聊天对象。所以,不要再回答how are you? 为“I am fine, and you?”啦。Fine是一个语气上就很平淡无奇的回复,更不要提他在中国学生的出现率之高了。
I am good/great! 都是语气回应很热烈的一种回复。Not bad. 也是可以的。离开的时候,可以说“have a nice day”“have a great day”“thank you for your time” 作为结束语。