【考场题目回忆】: 喜欢吃高碳水的食物也许是不健康的,政府应该想办法控制人们这种不健康的生活习惯。或许加税是一种办法,但是,也有人不同意这个提议。你觉得呢? When burgers and chips are to feed people whose food budget is tight, they should remain at the current low prices. When such food is to be some kind of a pleasure for some other people, restaurants can charge those people more money, as a matter of fact, not for the food but for the pleasure. This may be a good solution to the dispute. This varying pricing system, depending on the increase of tax or the exemption from the additional tax, is not intended to discriminate those people who are unable to be lavish on their dietary choice, and, instead, is to ensure that sustenance is at the cost they can afford. 接下来可以展开的部分当然是大家很可能都会想到的理由——核心思路是“经济拮据的人需要廉价食物来果腹”,涨税导致涨价可能是断了这些人的活路。”以及“精明的商家也可能为了销量而舍弃一部分利润来抵消税的提高的部分,于是价格维持原样,涨税有什么用呢?” 老师不给出全部的英语陈述?是的。那怎么办?根据上面的中文思路,给出下面的英语关键词。大家自己动笔试试看,能不能通过建议性的关键词把这个段落写出来。 * 经济拮据的:penniless (adj.); underprivileged (adj.); * 廉价的:inexpensive (adj.); affordable (adj.) * 精明的:shrewd (adj.) * 商家:merchant (n.) * 果腹:feed oneself up (phr.); * 抵消:neutralize (v.) 另外,还有常用动词的替换: 导致:lead to; result in Nor is the varying pricing to rip off those other people who occasionally need the enjoyment that the large amounts of salt and sugar can bring. After all, if such enjoyment, which is unhealthy, is too easy, we may see people’s indulgence in it. We cannot rely on self-discipline. 接下来可以展开的部分当然是大家很可能会想到的理由——核心思路是“既然经济条件允许这些人吃健康的食物,那就充分运用价格杠杆来阻止他们沉溺于高盐高糖的快感中。难得开心一下还不够么?” 上面的中文思路的建议性的英语关键词: * 条件:condition (n.) * 充分地:fully (adv.) * 杠杆:leverage (n.) * 沉溺于:be obsessed with (v. phr.); be addicted to (v. phr.); abandon oneself to (v. phr.) 再来看看常见动词的替换: * 允许:allow (v.) ; enable (v.) * 运用:make use of (v. phr.) * 阻止:prevent (v.); discourage (v.); stem (v.) So, in fairness, choosing either side may not be a good idea. Instead, it is better to be flexible in this matter.