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GRE写作:The Issue Task 精选20讲 · 第4讲

2021-06-21 14:44:08


  Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.


  Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reasonon which that claim is based.

  很明显,这种指令与前4讲涉及的两种指令又不一样了,(详见Analyze an Issue Task的第1-4讲)其主要区别在于:

  指令构成:本题型的prompt由两个陈述句所构成。其一称作claim,也就是一个观点、结论、或声称。另一则称作reason,即拥趸上述结论的理由或论据;所以,这种题型可以简单粗暴理解为“对两句话之间的causality的详尽探讨与分析”。翻译过来,此类task direction就可称为“因果类”题型。


  谋篇布局:值得一提的是,reason & claim之间的推导关系(在issue pool里的大多数题中)很有可能是存疑的,例如会有忽略他因、过分外推等情况出现。

  笔者推荐大家行文采用“顺推法”,即:先reason后claim. 推导要细心:就算reason成立,它是否是构成claim的reason呢?也就是说,有没有可能存在其他原因也可以推出这个claim呢?

  PS:对Issue Task目标在4分以上的朋友,这个推导关系这一段可要好好写咯!


  Claim: In any field - business, politics, education, government - those in power should step down after five years.

  Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.



  The insatiable desire for raking in profits, dereliction of duty, and corruption are such stains that are at odds with a leader’s usually-positive public image. However, I tend to think that these are rare cases, and that the arguer of this issue may be excessively pessimistic so that he/she recklessly equates those less-frequent blemishes with fatal failure or downfall and thus strongly advocate the revitalization of leadership at an interval of five years.



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  I can hardly side with the statement that the most effective path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. Rarely does it happen that a hero does his/ her utmost to save a desperate situation in this modern commercial world. The legendary Beowulf might exist, but who knows where the next one is. With the competition amongst various companies and even industries increasingly intensified, we cannot always expect individualism and heroism to work a lot all the time. In another word, there are many other pivotal factors determining whether an enterprise can stand out and succeed in the market, such as the brain tank, the loyalty and dedication of employees, and, more importantly, the golden opportunities of the times. The ups and downs of Eron, a world-renowned Internet company, can serve as a compelling illustration, since its leaders without any exception prioritize the centralization of power and absolute authority rather than the sound communication in the whole enterprise, which of course is a harbinger of its downfall. In this case, if the inner managerial structure and economic set-ups cannot be innovated and reinvigorated, what is the point of merely nominating a new leader?



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